
This website is the catalogue of an exploration into the nature of reality. You’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a bit scattered, eclectic, and random. But behind my diverse interests is a unifying theme: reality is stranger (and more beautiful) than fiction. That’s because its author is God.

Fiction is vital to our ability to see reality clearly, however, so don’t misconstrue this project as a slight against absolute the necessity of good fiction in the world. I just think that people have given up on reality, history, and their own personal stories because they’ve believed the lies of modernity. Lies such as: miracles don’t occur; magic is make-believe; self-sacrifice is impossible; heroism is only found in fairy tales; good and evil are relative; my life could never contain the beauty or significance found in the ancient myths.

In fact, we have arrived philosophically at the point where the vapid lies of modernistic scientism can finally be overcome. That’s my project: mapping this rediscovery of reality with new eyes of wonder and faith.