Understand the unseen world all around us. The re-enchantment is about taking ancient knowledge seriously. Below, you’ll find tales from European and Native American folklore and mythology, along with maps to illustrate the reality of our haunted world.
One purpose of this project is unearth the mythic landscape of particular places and regions. The Upper South, which was the range of the Cherokee, is my region and the place I’ve chosen to focus on. Each story or concept in the Cherokee section is linked to a specific locale, which I’ve mapped. You are encouraged to visit these haunted places, but remember to steel yourself with a prayer!
A Defense of Universal History: The Cherokee and the Upper South of the United States
The Nunnehi (Immortals) and the Underworld
The Yunwi Tsunsdi (Little People)
Uktenas, the Dragons of the Cherokee Realms
Prayers for Christian Cherokee and Those Living in the Cherokee Realms of the Upper South