[Image: Saint Kateri Tekakwitha at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception; source: St. Kateri Tekakwitha: The “Lily of the Mohawks” – National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception]
These are prayers adapted form James Mooney’s Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees book, published in 1891. Below I present the original Cherokee prayer, a short explanation (sometimes quoted from Mooney), and then a Catholic Christian adaptation. These are a start. I renounce any theological errors or syncretistic excesses present in these prayers, and I submit their ultimate acceptance to the judgment of the competent authorities within the Church. This is my best attempt at salvaging these folkways, these glimpses into the mind of a certain people and their religious world. Much here is good and worthy of baptizing. I haven’t included every formula from the book, but these are representative examples of the types of formulas therein.
Again, consult with your priest before making use of them, but it is my hope that this project will bear fruit for the Cherokee and those who live within their historic realms.
James Mooney. The Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees: Seventh Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1885-1886 (Government Printing Office, Washington, 1891), pages 301-398.
Full document: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/24788/24788-h/24788-h.htm
“Listen! Ha! In the Sun Land you repose, O Red Dog, O now you have swiftly drawn near to hearken. O great ada´wĕhĭ10, you never fail in anything. O, appear and draw near running, for your prey never escapes. You are now come to remove the intruder. Ha! You have settled a very small part of it far off there at the end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! In the Frigid Land you repose, O Blue Dog. O now you have swiftly drawn near to hearken, O great ada´wĕhĭ, you never fail in anything. O, appear and draw near running, for your prey never escapes. You are now come to remove the intruder. Ha! You have settled a very small part of it far off there at the end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! In the darkening land you repose, O Black Dog. O, now you have swiftly drawn near to hearken. O great ada´wĕhĭ, you never fail in anything. O, appear and draw near running, for your prey never escapes. You are now come to remove the intruder. Ha! You have settled a very small part of it far off there at the end of the earth.
“Listen! On Wa´hală you repose. O White Dog. Oh, now you have swiftly drawn near to hearken. O great ada´wĕhĭ, you never fail in anything. Oh, appear and draw near running, for your prey never escapes. You are now come to remove the intruder. Ha! You have settled a very small part of it far off there at the end of the earth.
“Listen! On Wa´hală, you repose, O White Terrapin. O, now you have swiftly drawn near to hearken. O great ada´wĕhĭ, you never fail in anything. Ha! It is for you to loosen its hold on the bone. Belief is accomplished.”
(Prescription.)—Lay a terrapin shell upon (the spot) and keep it there while the five kinds (of spirits) listen. On finishing, then blow once. Repeat four times, beginning each time from the start. On finishing the fourth time, then blow four times. Have two white beads lying in the shell, together with a little of the medicine. Don’t interfere with it, but have a good deal boiling in another vessel—a bowl will do very well—and rub it on warm while treating by applying the hands. And this is the medicine: What is called Yâ´na-Utsĕ´sta (“bear’s bed,” the Aspidium acrostichoides or Christmas fern); and the other is called Kâ´ga-Asgû´ntagĭ (“crow’s shin,” the Adianthum pedatum or Maidenhair fern); and the other is the common Egû´nlĭ (another fern); and the other is the Little Soft (-leaved) Egû´nlĭ (Osmunda Cinnamonea or cinnamon fern), which grows in the rocks and resembles Yâna-Utsĕ´sta and is a small and soft (-leaved) Egû´nlĭ. Another has brown roots and another has black roots. The roots of all should be (used).
Begin doctoring early in the morning; let the second (application) be while the sun is still near the horizon; the third when it has risen to a considerable height (10 a.m.); the fourth when it is above at noon. This is sufficient. (The doctor) must not eat, and the patient also must be fasting.
The Cherokee correctly intuited that sickness is due to the influence of evil spirits. Yes, spirits use physical elements to sicken people, and there are mechanical processes at work here that modern medicine understands in many cases and can treat. But the invisible, non-physical, spiritual reality is present over and above this, and cannot be ignored.
Understanding this, the Cherokee attempted to defeat one spirit by the power of another. In this case, they called upon the four celestial “dogs” of the four cardinal directions (representing the ends of the earth and all reality), in addition to the great terrapin, who may have some connection to the Iroquoian idea that North America rests upon a great turtle. These spirits were to bear away the sickness, which was generally believed to be caused by either the measuring-worm or the great deer spirit as punishment for improperly hunting a deer. The Cherokee also saw benevolent effects in the use of blessed plants and objects, such as the ferns, beads, and terrapin shell used here. The fasting element needs no comment, as all spiritual traditions recognize its potency.
To bring the goodness, truth, and beauty that is present in these ceremonies “captive to Christ,” as it were, while respecting their cultural inheritance and simultaneously strengthening what is good in them and gently correcting what is not, I offer the following prayer formula:
“Listen! Ha! O ye powers and principalities of the Sun Land; O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. Bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever, for He maketh his ministers a flame of fire. May the power of Christ remove this intruder from the Lord’s lowly servant. Ha! May part of it be removed to the far end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! O ye powers and principalities of the Frigid Land; O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. Bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever, for He maketh his ministers a flame of fire. May the power of Christ remove this intruder from the Lord’s lowly servant. Ha! May part of it be removed to the far end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! O ye powers and principalities of the Darkening Land; O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. Bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever, for He maketh his ministers a flame of fire. May the power of Christ remove this intruder from the Lord’s lowly servant. Ha! May part of it be removed to the far end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! O ye powers and principalities of Wa´hală; O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. Bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever for, for He maketh his ministers a flame of fire. May the power of Christ remove this intruder from the Lord’s lowly servant. Ha! May part of it be removed to the far end of the earth.
“Listen! Ha! O White Terrapin of Wa´hală; O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. Bless the Lord: praise and exalt him above all for ever for, for He maketh his ministers a flame of fire. May the power of Christ remove this intruder from the Lord’s lowly servant. Ha! May it be loosened from the bone.
“Let us Pray.
“O God, Who never failest in anything, and Who dost wonderfully distribute Thy powers of governance to Thy innumerable ministers, grant power to dispel the malignant spirits that cripple this body and so restore the faithful servant who trusteth in Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.“
(Prescription.)—Place a Rosary in a terrapin shell and have a priest bless it, along with the following plants: what is called Yâ´na-Utsĕ´sta (“bear’s bed,” the Aspidium acrostichoides or Christmas fern); and the other is called Kâ´ga-Asgû´ntagĭ (“crow’s shin,” the Adianthum pedatum or Maidenhair fern); and the other is the common Egû´nlĭ (another fern); and the other is the Little Soft (-leaved) Egû´nlĭ (Osmunda Cinnamonea or cinnamon fern), which grows in the rocks and resembles Yâna-Utsĕ´sta and is a small and soft (-leaved) Egû´nlĭ. Another has brown roots and another has black roots. The roots of all should be blessed.
Boil the roots together in a pot. Lay the terrapin shell and Rosary on the spot while praying. After each paragraph, take some of the boiled mixture and rub on the afflicted area, blowing on it afterward.
Repeat the prayers and herbal remedy early in the morning (3 a.m., Lauds); let the second application be while the sun is still near the horizon (6 a.m., Prime); the third when it has risen to a considerable height (9 a.m., Terce); the fourth when it is above at noon (Sext). The priest or officiant must not eat, and the patient also must be fasting from midnight (Matins).
“1. Dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa.
“Listen! Ha! It is only a common frog which has passed by and put it (the intruder) into you.
“2. Dayuha, dayuha, dayuha, dayuha, dayuha.
“Listen! Ha! It is only an Usu´‘gĭ which has passed by and put it into you.”
(Prescription.)—Now this at the beginning is a song. One should say it twice and also say the second line twice. Rub tobacco (juice) on the bite for some time, or if there be no tobacco just rub on saliva once. In rubbing it on, one must go around four times. Go around toward the left and blow four times in a circle. This is because in lying down the snake always coils to the right and this is just the same (lit. “means like”) as uncoiling it.
“Dûnu´wa appears to be an old verb, meaning “it has penetrated,” probably referring to the tooth of the reptile. Usu´‘gĭ also is without explanation, but is probably the name of some small reptile or batrachian.” Tobacco is traditionally held to be a good folk remedy for stings and bites of all kinds. These medicine songs are always sung in a low plaintive tone, somewhat resembling a lullaby. Four is a sacred number, representing the entire inhabited earth (the four cardinal directions), which when added to three (the number of Persons in the Blessed Trinity) gives the holy number of seven.
The doctor here ascribes the snake bite to a less dangerous animal, which he feels he has power to overcome. The battle here is between the magic of the shaman and the snake spirits, who are responsible for both the physical poison and the spiritual effects of snake bites. Obviously, antivenom at a hospital should be sought immediately, but a Catholic could pray for healing in the way specified below as well:
“1. Dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa, dûnu´wa.
“Listen! Ha! May the Lord maketh it to be only a common frog which has passed by and put this affliction into you.
“2. Dayuha, dayuha, dayuha, dayuha, dayuha.
“Listen! Ha! May the Lord maketh it to be only an Usu´‘gĭ which has passed by and put this affliction into you. Amen.”
(Prescription.)—One should say it twice and also say the second line twice. Rub blessed tobacco leaf on the bite for some time during each recitation. In rubbing it on, one must go around four times. Go around toward the left and blow four times in a circle. This is because in lying down the snake always coils to the right, and so drawing to the left signals the intent to “uncoil” what the snake has done to the person.
“Listen! Ha! I am a great ada´wehi, I never fail in anything. I surpass all others—I am a great ada´wehi. Ha! It is a mere screech owl that has frightened him. Ha! now I have put it away in the laurel thickets. There I compel it to remain.
“Listen! Ha! I am a great ada´wehi, I never fail in anything. I surpass all others—I am a great ada´wehi. Ha! It is a mere hooting owl that has frightened him. Undoubtedly that has frightened him. Ha! At once I have put it away in the spruce thickets. Ha! There I compel it to remain.
“Listen! Ha! I am a great ada´wehi, I never fail in anything. I surpass all others—I am a great ada´wehi. Ha! It is only a rabbit that has frightened him. Undoubtedly that has frightened him. Ha! Instantly I have put it away on the mountain ridge. Ha! There in the broom sage I compel it to remain.
“Listen! Ha! I am a great ada´wehi, I never fail in anything. I surpass all others—I am a great ada´wehi. Ha! It is only a mountain sprite that has frightened him. Undoubtedly that has frightened him. Ha! Instantly I have put it away on the bluff. Ha! There I compel it to remain.”
(Prescription)—Now this is to treat infants if they are affected by crying and nervous fright. (Then) it is said that something is causing something to eat them. To treat them one may blow water on them for four nights. Doctor them just before dark. Be sure not to carry them about outside the house.
“The Cherokee name for this disease is Gunwani´gistâĭ´, which signifies that ‘something is causing something to eat,’ or gnaw the vitals of the patient. The disease attacks only infants of tender age and the symptoms are nervousness and troubled sleep, from which the child wakes suddenly crying as if frightened.” Many now regard these as symptoms of the presence of worms, but it could just be colic.
The Cherokee linked vengeful animal guardian spirits to this disease—either they were angry for being spoken ill of, or taking revenge for a hunter carelessly or thanklessly destroying the animals of the forest. The formula includes asserting great magical power over these spirits and banishing them away from the afflicted child. It also includes a water treatment, and avoidance of proximity to the animals these spirits are responsible for. Ada´wehi (plural: anida´we) is a term used for any spiritual power, from a shaman up to a great angel or spirit being.
“Listen! Ha! Only the Lord is the Eternal Ada´wehi, Who never faileth in anything. The Almighty doth surpass all others—only He is the Eternal Ada´wehi. Ha! It is a mere screech owl that hath frightened this child. Ha! Now may God put it away in the laurel thickets. By the power of Christ, may it be compelled there to remain.
“Listen! Ha! Only the Lord is the Eternal Ada´wehi, Who never faileth in anything. The Almighty doth surpass all others—only He is the Eternal Ada´wehi. Ha! It is a mere hooting owl that hath frightened this child. Undoubtedly that hath frightened him. Ha! Now may God put it away in the spruce thickets. Ha! By the power of Christ, may it be compelled there to remain.
“Listen! Ha! Only the Lord is the Eternal Ada´wehi, Who never faileth in anything. The Almighty doth surpass all others—only He is the Eternal Ada´wehi. Ha! It is only a rabbit that hath frightened this child. Undoubtedly that hath frightened him. Ha! Now may God instantly put it away on the mountain ridge. Ha! By the power of Christ, may it be compelled there in the broom sage to remain.
“Listen! Ha! Only the Lord is the Eternal Ada´wehi, Who never faileth in anything. The Almighty doth surpass all others—only He is the Eternal Ada´wehi. Ha! It is only a mountain sprite that hath frightened this child. Undoubtedly that hath frightened him. Ha! Now may God instantly put it away on the bluff. Ha! By the power of Christ, may it be compelled there to remain. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.“
(Prescription)—Now this is to treat infants if they are affected by crying and nervous fright because some spirit is causing something to eat at them. To treat them one may blow holy water on them for four nights. The regular method is to blow once each at the end of the first, second, and third paragraphs and four times at the end of the fourth or last (first upon the back of the head, then upon the left shoulder, next upon the right shoulder, and finally upon the breast, the patient being generally sitting, or propped up in bed, facing the east, from whence the Lord cometh). “Blowing” may not be sanitary, so sprinkling each area with holy water will suffice. Pray this just before dark. Be sure not to carry them about outside the house near the entities named above.
“Listen! In the Sunland you repose, O Red Spider. Quickly you have brought and laid down the red path. O great ada´wehi, quickly you have brought down the red threads from above. The intruder in the tooth has spoken and it is only a worm. The tormentor has wrapped itself around the root of the tooth. Quickly you have dropped down the red threads, for it is just what you eat. Now it is for you to pick it up. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“O Ancient White, you have drawn near to hearken, for you have said, ‘When I shall hear my grandchildren, I shall hold up their heads.’ Because you have said it, now therefore you have drawn near to listen. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“Listen! In the Frigid Land you repose, O Blue Spider. Quickly you have brought and laid down the blue path. O great ada´wehi, quickly you have brought down the blue threads from above. The intruder in the tooth has spoken and it is only a worm. The tormentor has wrapped itself around the root of the tooth. Quickly you have dropped down the blue threads, for it is just what you eat. Now it is for you to pick it up. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“O Ancient White, you have drawn near to hearken, for you have said, ‘When I shall hear my grandchildren, I shall hold up their heads.’ Because you have said it, now therefore you have drawn near to listen. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“Listen! In the Darkening Land you repose, O Black Spider. Quickly you have brought and laid down the black path. O great ada´wehi, quickly you have brought down the black threads from above. The intruder in the tooth has spoken and it is only a worm. The tormentor has wrapped itself around the root of the tooth. Quickly you have dropped down the black threads, for it is just what you eat. Now it is for you to pick it up. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“O Ancient White, you have drawn near to hearken, for you have said, ‘When I shall hear my grandchildren, I shall hold up their heads.’ Because you have said it, now therefore you have drawn near to listen. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“Listen! You repose on high, O White Spider. Quickly you have brought and laid down the white path. O great ada´wehi, quickly you have brought down the white threads from above. The intruder in the tooth has spoken and it is only a worm. The tormentor has wrapped itself around the root of the tooth. Quickly you have dropped down the white threads, for it is just what you eat. Now it is for you to pick it up. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!
“O Ancient White, you have drawn near to hearken, for you have said, ‘When I shall hear my grandchildren, I shall hold up their heads.’ Because you have said it, now therefore you have drawn near to listen. The relief has been caused to come. Yû!”
(Prescription)—This is to treat them if there are pains moving about in the teeth. It is only (necessary) to lay on the hands, or to blow, if one should prefer. One may use any kind of a tube, but usually they have the medicine in the mouth. It is the Yellow-rooted Grass (kane´ ska dalâ´nige unaste´tla; not identified.) One must abstain four nights from cooked corn (hominy), and kanâhe´na (fermented corn gruel) is especially forbidden during the same period.
The doctor warms his hands over the fire while addressing each spider spirit, and then places his hand over the spot of the toothache on the jaw while addressing the Ancient White. Using a yellow-rooted grass is cited as optional. The spirits invoked drive out the worm spirit, which has wrapped itself around the tooth and is therefore causing the pain.
“Listen! O ye spirits and creeping things that do repose in the Sunland: O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. By the Lord’s command may the red threads be brought down from above to remove the worm that hath wrapped itself around the tooth of the Lord’s servant, for He maketh His angels spirits and His ministers a burning fire. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“O Holy Ghost, True God, hearken unto the voice of my cry, for Thou hast said Thou wilt not suffer Thy holy one to see corruption. Because Thou hast said it, Thou wilt do it. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“Listen! O ye spirits and creeping things that do repose in the Frigid Land: O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. By the Lord’s command may the blue threads be brought down from above to remove the worm that hath wrapped itself around the tooth of the Lord’s servant, for He maketh His angels spirits and His ministers a burning fire. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“O Holy Ghost, True God, hearken unto the voice of my cry, for Thou hast said Thou wilt not suffer Thy holy one to see corruption. Because Thou hast said it, Thou wilt do it. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“Listen! O ye spirits and creeping things that do repose in the Darkening Land: O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. By the Lord’s command may the black threads be brought down from above to remove the worm that hath wrapped itself around the tooth of the Lord’s servant, for He maketh His angels spirits and His ministers a burning fire. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“O Holy Ghost, True God, hearken unto the voice of my cry, for Thou hast said Thou wilt not suffer Thy holy one to see corruption. Because Thou hast said it, Thou wilt do it. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“Listen! O ye spirits and creeping things that do repose in Heaven above: O now hear the Lord’s voice, which never returneth to Him void. By the Lord’s command may the white threads be brought down from above to remove the worm that hath wrapped itself around the tooth of the Lord’s servant, for He maketh His angels spirits and His ministers a burning fire. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû!
“O Holy Ghost, True God, hearken unto the voice of my cry, for Thou hast said Thou wilt not suffer Thy holy one to see corruption. Because Thou hast said it, Thou wilt do it. May the relief be swift in coming. Yû! Through Christ our Lord. Amen.“
(Prescription)—This is to treat them if there are pains moving about in the teeth. It is only necessary to lay on the hands after being warmed by a blessed candle. One must abstain four nights from cooked corn hominy, and kanâhe´na (fermented corn gruel) is especially forbidden during the same period.
“Listen! On high you dwell, On high you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you anida´we, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Relief has come—has come. Hayĭ!
“Listen! On Ûnwadâ´hĭ you dwell, On Ûnwadâhĭ you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you anida´we, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Relief has come—has come. Hayĭ!
“Listen! In the pines you dwell, In the pines you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you anida´we, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Relief has come—has come. Hayĭ!
“Listen! In the water you dwell, In the water you dwell, you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you anida´we, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Relief has come—has come. Hayiĭ!
“Listen! O now you have drawn near to hearken, O Little Whirlwind, O ada´wehi, in the leafy shelter of the lower mountain, there you repose. O ada´wehi, you can never fail in anything. Ha! Now rise up. A very small portion [of the disease] remains. You have come to sweep it away into the small swamp on the upland. You have laid down your paths near the swamp. It is ordained that you shall scatter it as in play, so that it shall utterly disappear. By you it must be scattered. So shall there be relief.
“Listen! O now again you have drawn near to hearken, O Whirlwind, surpassingly great. In the leafy shelter of the great mountain there you repose. O Great Whirlwind, arise quickly. A very small part [of the disease] remains. You have come to sweep the intruder into the great swamp on the upland. You have laid down your paths toward the great swamp. You shall scatter it as in play so that it shall utterly disappear. And now relief has come. All is done. Yû!”
(Prescription.)—(This is to use) when they are sick with the great chill. Take a decoction of wild cherry to blow upon them. If you have Tsâ´l-agayû´nlĭ (“old tobacco”—Nicotiana rustica) it also is very effective.
The patient must face east during the ceremony. “First, standing between the patient and the sunrise and holding the medicine cup in his hand, he sings the first verse in a low tone. Then, taking some of the liquid in his mouth, he advances and blows it successively upon the top of the head, the right shoulder, left shoulder, and breast or back of the patient, making four blowings in all. He repeats the same ceremony with the second, third, and fourth verse, returning each time to his original position. The ceremony takes place in the morning, and if necessary is repeated in the evening. It is sometimes necessary also to repeat the treatment for several—generally four—consecutive days.” For the Catholic ceremony, blessed tobacco may be smoked and blown instead in the same pattern. Note: Ûnwadâ´hĭ is a high bald mountain east of Webser, NC. It could be any of these: Coward Bald, Bald Gap, Snaggy Bald, etc.

“Listen! Ye spirits that dwell high, On high you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you sons of God, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Behold the hand of the Lord. Hayĭ!
“Listen! Ye spirits that dwell on Ûnwadâ´hĭ, On Ûnwadâhĭ you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you sons of God, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Behold the hand of the Lord. Hayĭ!
“Listen! Ye spirits that dwell in the pines, In the pines you dwell—you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you sons of God, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Behold the hand of the Lord. Hayĭ!
“Listen! Ye spirits of the rippling water, In the water you dwell, you dwell, you dwell. Forever you dwell, you sons of God, forever you dwell, forever you dwell. Behold the hand of the Lord. Hayiĭ!
“Listen! O Christ our God, even the winds and the sea obey Thee: draw up the Little Whirlwind by Thy voice of power, which shaketh the leafy shelter of the lower mountain. From the leafy shelter of the lower mountain, let winds be stirred at Thy command. May now only a very few darts of the enemy remain, and may even they be swept away into the small swamp on the upland. Thou hast laid down the paths of Thy servant near the swamp, to which the devices of the enemy will be driven as in play, so that they shall utterly disappear. Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and so shall there be relief.
“Listen! O Christ our God, even the winds and the sea obey Thee: draw up the Great Whirlwind by Thy voice of power, which shaketh the leafy shelter of the great mountain. From the leafy shelter of the great mountain, let winds be stirred at Thy command. May now only a very few darts of the enemy remain, and may even they be swept away into the great swamp on the upland. Thou hast laid down the paths of Thy servant near the swamp, to which the devices of the enemy will be driven as in play, so that they shall utterly disappear. Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and so shall there be relief. Yû! Amen.“
(Prescription.)—This is to use when they are sick with the great chill. Take blessed tobacco to blow upon them.
“Listen! Ha! Now you have drawn near to hearken and are resting directly overhead. O Black Raven, you never fail in anything. Ha! Now you are brought down. Ha! There shall be left no more than a trace upon the ground where you have been. It is an evolute ghost. You have now put it into a crevice in Sanigalagi, that it may never find the way back. You have put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let relief come.
“Listen! Ha! Now you have drawn near to hearken, O Red Raven, most powerful ada´wehi. Ha! You never fail in anything, for so it was ordained of you. Ha! You are resting directly overhead. Ha! Now you are brought down. There shall remain but a trace upon the ground where you have been. It is an evolute ghost. Ha! You have put the Intruder into a crevice of Sanigalagi and now the relief shall come. It (the Intruder) is sent to the Darkening Land. You have put it to rest in the Darkening Land. Let the relief come.
“Listen! Ha! Now you have drawn near to hearken, O Blue Raven; you are resting directly overhead, ada´wehi. You never fail in anything, for so it was ordained of you. Ha! Now you are brought down. There shall be left but a trace upon the ground where you have been. You have put the Intruder into a crevice in Sanigalagi, that it may never find the way back. You have put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let the relief come.
“Listen! Ha! Now you have drawn near to hearken; you repose on high on Wa´hĭlĭ, O White Raven, ada´wehi. You never fail in anything. Ha! Now you are brought down. There shall be left but a trace upon the ground where you have been. Ha! Now you have taken it up. You have put the Intruder into a crevice in Sanigalagi, that it may never find the way back. You have put it to rest in the Darkening Land, never to return. Let the relief come.”
(Directions)—This is to treat them for a painful sickness. One must suck. Use Tsâ´lagayûn´-li (“Old Tobacco”—Nicotiana rustica), blossoms, and just have them in the mouth, and Kanasâ´la (Wild Parsnip), goes with it, and four red beads also must lie there, and Tsâliyu´sti Usdi´ga (“Little (plant) Like Tobacco”—Indian Tobacco—Lobelia inflata.) And if there should be anything mixed with it (i.e., after sucking the place), just put it about a hand’s-length into the mud.
Concerning what an “ordeal” disease is, Mooney says: “In some cases the disease is caused by the conjurations of an enemy, through which the patient becomes subject to an inordinate appetite, causing him to eat until his abdomen is unnaturally distended. By the same magic spells tobacco may be conveyed into the man’s body, causing him to be affected by faintness and languor. The enemy, if bitterly revengeful, may even put into the body of his victim a worm or insect (tsgâya), or a sharpened stick of black locust or “fat” pine, which will result in death if not removed by a good doctor. Sometimes a weed stalk is in some occult manner conveyed into the patient’s stomach, where it is transformed into a worm. As this disease is very common, owing to constant quarrels and rival jealousies, there are a number of specialists who devote their attention to it.”
So it may be that this is something one may encounter when dealing with victims of witchcraft. Mooney says further in explanation: “The prayer is addressed to the Black, Red, Blue, and White Ravens, their location at the four cardinal points not being specified, excepting in the case of the white raven of Wa´hilĭ, which, as already stated, is said to be a mountain in the south, and hence is used figuratively to mean the south. The ravens are each in turn declared to have put the disease into a crevice in Sanigala´gi—the Cherokee name of Whiteside Mountain, at the head of Tuckasegee River, in North Carolina, and used figuratively for any high precipitous mountain—and to have left no more than a trace upon the ground where it has been. The adjective translated “evolute” (udanûhĭ) is of frequent occurrence in the formulas, but has no [pg 369] exact equivalent in English. It signifies springing into being or life from an embryonic condition. In this instance it would imply that whatever object the enemy has put into the body of the sick man has there developed into a ghost to trouble him.”

There is a sucking treatment that goes with this prayer, with the shaman holding a decoction of mostly tobacco and wild parsnip in his mouth while he sucks from the afflicted area. Sometimes a physical object would be produced from this and would be considered a physical manifestation of the illness (which had to be buried afterward). The Catholic prayer can include smoking the tobacco, burning the wild parsnip, or even simply sprinkling holy water over the afflicted area. A blessed Rosary is used to invoke the Mother of God. The supplicant should turn to each corner of the compass at each point in the ceremony (Darkening is west; red is east; blue is north; Wa´hĭlĭ or white is south).
“Listen! Ha! Ye winged spirits of the Darkening Land that fill the heavens, praise the Lord for His faithfulness and resist not His word. The Lord hath sent from above. Ha! He shall draw me out of many waters. Ha! May no more trace be left upon the ground where the evil one hath lain in wait. May all such ones be banished into the crevices of Sanigalagi, that they may never find the way back. O God, Thou hast put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let relief come. Amen.
“Listen! Ha! Ye winged spirits of the Red Land that fill the heavens, praise the Lord for His faithfulness and resist not His word. The Lord hath sent from above. Ha! He shall draw me out of many waters. Ha! May no more trace be left upon the ground where the evil one hath lain in wait. May all such ones be banished into the crevices of Sanigalagi, that they may never find the way back. O God, Thou hast put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let relief come. Amen.
“Listen! Ha! Ye winged spirits of the Blue Land that fill the heavens, praise the Lord for His faithfulness and resist not His word. The Lord hath sent from above. Ha! He shall draw me out of many waters. Ha! May no more trace be left upon the ground where the evil one hath lain in wait. May all such ones be banished into the crevices of Sanigalagi, that they may never find the way back. O God, Thou hast put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let relief come. Amen.
“Listen! Ha! Ye winged spirits of Wa´hĭlĭ that fill the heavens, praise the Lord for His faithfulness and resist not His word. The Lord hath sent from above. Ha! He shall draw me out of many waters. Ha! May no more trace be left upon the ground where the evil one hath lain in wait. May all such ones be banished into the crevices of Sanigalagi, that they may never find the way back. O God, Thou hast put it to rest in the Darkening Land, so that it may never return. Let relief come. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.“
(Directions)—This is to treat them for a painful sickness. One should sprinkle with holy water and burn blessed Tobacco and Kanasâ´la (Wild Parsnip). A blessed Rosary must be used. And if there should be any foreign object produced, bury it about a hand’s-length into the mud.
“Give me the wind. Give me the breeze. Yû! O Great Terrestrial Hunter, I come to the edge of your spittle where you repose. Let your stomach cover itself; let it be covered with leaves. Let it cover itself at a single bend, and may you never be satisfied.
“And you, O Ancient Red, may you hover above my breast while I sleep. Now let good (dreams?) develop; let my experiences be propitious. Ha! Now let my little trails be directed, as they lie down in various directions(?). Let the leaves be covered with the clotted blood, and may it never cease to be so. You two (the Water and the Fire) shall bury it in your stomachs. Yû!”
The hunting prayer is a beautiful meditation on the interrelationship between prey, landscape, watercourses, and ancient fire. The hunter would cover his breast with ashes from the fire (the Ancient Red) the night before in hopes of good dream omens. On all hunting expeditions it is the regular practice to abstain from food until sunset.
“O God, deign to give me the wind and the breeze. Yû! O Great Terrestrial Hunter, thou river fast running, I come to the edge of thy spittle along the banks, where thou dost repose. Let thy stomach be covered with leaves stained by the blood of my harvest. Let it be so within a single bend, and may thou be yet unsatisfied.
“O Holy Ghost, Creator blest, may thou ever hover above my breast while I sleep. Let my dreams be propitious. Ha! Direct my paths, as rivulets flowing in many directions. Let the leaves be covered with the clotted blood of my prey, and may it never cease to be so. Accept my prayer and my offering, and may all Thy spirits bless me. Yû! Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
“Listen! O Ancient White, where you dwell in peace I have come to rest. Now let your spirit arise. Let it (the game brought down) be buried in your stomach, and may your appetite never be satisfied. The red hickories have tied themselves together. The clotted blood is your recompense.
“O Ancient White, * * * Accept the clotted blood (?)
“O Ancient White, put me in the successful hunting trail. Hang the mangled things upon me. Let me come along the successful trail with them doubled up (under my belt). It (the road) is clothed with the mangled things.
“O Ancient White, O Kanati, support me continually, that I may never become blue. Listen!”
“Listen! O Holy Ghost, where Thou dost dwell in peace I have come to rest. Now let Thy presence arise. Let the game I seek fall before Thine altars, and may Thou require yet more that Thou wilt provide. The red hickories have tied themselves together by Thy command. The clotted blood belongs to Thee.
“O Paraclete, accept the praise I offer for the clotted blood.
“O Holy Ghost, put Thou me along the successful hunting trail. Let hang the mangled things upon me. Let me tread the successful trail with them doubled up under my belt. Let the path be clothed with mangled things.
“O Divine Helper, deign to support me continually, that I may never become blue. Through Christ our Lord. Amen!“
“Instantly the Red Selagwû´tsĭ strike you in the very center of your soul—instantly. Yû!”
Selagwû´tsĭ is an archaic Cherokee word for an arrow.
“By the power of God, the Red Selagwû´tsĭ strike thee in the very center of thy soul—instantly. Yû!”
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“In Rabbit Place you were conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“In Mulberry Place you were conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“In Uyâ´‘yĕ you were conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“In the Great Swamp (?) you were conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“And now surely we and the good black things, the best of all, shall see each other.”
This is to attract bears, who are transformed members of one of the Cherokee clans. “Each verse begins with a loud prolonged He+! and ends with Yoho´+! uttered in the same manner. Hayuya´haniwă´ has no meaning. Tsistu´yĭ, Kuwâ´hĭ, Uyâ´‘yĕ, and Gâte´kwâhĭ are four mountains, in each of which the bears have a townhouse and hold a dance before going into their dens for the winter.”
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“By the power of God, in Rabbit Place thou wert conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“By the power of God, in Mulberry Place thou wert conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“By the power of God, in Uyâ´‘yĕ thou wert conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“He! Hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´, hayuya´haniwă´.
“By the power of God, in the Great Swamp thou wert conceived (repeat)—Yoho´+!
“And now, Lord willing, we and the good black things, the best of all woodland dwellers, shall see each other.“
“Listen! Now you settlements have drawn near to hearken. Where you have gathered in the foam you are moving about as one. You Blue Cat and the others, I have come to offer you freely the white food. Let the paths from every direction recognize each other. Our spittle shall be in agreement. Let them (your and my spittle) be together as we go about. They (the fish) have become a prey and there shall be no loneliness. Your spittle has become agreeable. I am called Swimmer. Yû!”
“This formula, from A‘yûninĭ´s’ book, is for the purpose of catching large fish. According to his instructions, the fisherman must first chew a small piece of Yugwilû´ (Venus’ Flytrap—Dionæa muscipula) and spit it upon the bait and also upon the hook. Then, standing facing the stream, he recites the formula and puts the bait upon the hook. He will be able to pull out a fish at once, or if the fish are not about at the moment they will come in a very short time.” For the Catholic version, if one has blessed Venus fly trap, it should be rubbed upon the bait and the hook before beginning the prayer.
“Listen! Ever Living God, may the great settlements of fish Thou hast made draw near to hearken. Gather them in the foam to move about as one. To the Blue Cat and the others, I have come to offer the food that satisfieth. Let the fish paths from every direction come together. Let even our spittle be in agreement, such is the power over them Christ can grant. We shall go forth together. May they become my prey, and may we two go as one. O God, let even our spittle become agreeable. I am the Lord’s servant. Yû! Amen.”
“Listen! In the Frigid Land above you repose, O Red Man, quickly we two have prepared your arrows for the soul of the Imprecator. He has them lying along the path. Quickly we two will take his soul as we go along.
“Listen! In the Frigid Land above you repose, O Purple Man, * * * *. Ha! Quickly now we two have prepared your arrows for the soul of the Imprecator. He has them lying along the path. Quickly we two will cut his soul in two.”
This is most important when someone is sick or dying. Demons, but also witches, and especially the Raven Mocker, will attempt to drag such a one to Hell through fear, torment, and despair. They transmute the losses of their prey to their own length of days. The arrows are four sharpened sticks, pointed up, which are placed around the home. Just before dark, smoke blessed tobacco and sprinkle holy water over each stick outside and toward every direction while saying the prayer. If later a groan is heard outside the house, it means a witch (usually invisible) has run up against the defenses and been defeated.
“Listen! All ye powers of the Lord that tread the red path, bless the Lord of Hosts. The Lord hath built this house, and his ministers watch over it, to keep us in peace; may I never be confounded when I speak with my enemies at the gate. The arrows have been prepared to ward off the Imprecator. Behold, they are lying along the path. O God, may no evil thing approach this house. Amen.
“Listen! All ye powers of the Lord that tread the frigid path, bless the Lord of Hosts. The Lord hath built this house, and his ministers watch over it, to keep us in peace; may I never be confounded when I speak with my enemies at the gate. The arrows have been prepared to ward off the Imprecator. Behold, they are lying along the path. O God, may all within this house dwell secure. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
“Listen! Ha! Now you have drawn near to hearken, O Brown Rock; you never lie about anything. Ha! Now I am about to seek for it. I have lost a hog and now tell me about where I shall find it. For is it not mine? My name is ——.”
The brown rock spoken of is a small pebble suspended by a string. This is probably divination, so the Catholic version invokes the saints instead:
“Listen! Ha! May thou drawest near to hearken, O Saint Anthony of Padua; thou art a sure help to those who love God. Ha! Now I am about to seek for it. I have lost something, and I beseech thee to tell me where I shall find it. For is it not mine? My help is in the name of the Lord. Amen.”
“Yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´,
“Yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´—Yû!
“Listen! O now you are coming in rut. Ha! I am exceedingly afraid of you. But yet you are only tracking your wife. Her footprints can be seen there directed upward toward the heavens. I have pointed them out for you. Let your paths stretch out along the tree tops (?) on the lofty mountains (and) you shall have them (the paths) lying down without being disturbed, Let (your path) as you go along be where the waving branches meet. Listen!”
Yuhahi´ is a meaningless phrase. The formula declares that the storm god is only seeking his wife, and the shaman lies and tells him that her tracks are up high, over the mountains. This is meant to steer the storm demon off course. The Shaman waves and blows toward the direction he wants the storm to go. The Catholic formula should be used with holy water being thrown toward the direction of the storm.
“Yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´,
“Yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´, yuhahi´—Yû!
“Listen! O God, now doth a storm king come as if in a rut. Ha! The earth and its inhabitants tremble. But yet he is subject to the King of Kings, the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray Thee, Ever Living God, direct his footsteps back across the heavens. May his paths stretch along the treetops on the lofty mountains, paths smooth and well-worn, where the waving branches meet. Listen, O Lord, to my cry, and hear my prayer. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
“Hayĭ! Yû! Listen! Now instantly we have lifted up the red war club. Quickly his soul shall be without motion. There under the earth, where the black war clubs shall be moving about like ball sticks in the game, there his soul shall be, never to reappear. We cause it to be so. He shall never go and lift up the war club. We cause it to be so. There under the earth the black war club (and) the black fog have come together as one for their covering. It shall never move about (i.e., the black fog shall never be lifted from them). We cause it to be so.
“Instantly shall their souls be moving about there in the seventh heaven. Their souls shall never break in two. So shall it be. Quickly we have moved them (their souls) on high for them, where they shall be going about in peace. You (?) have shielded yourselves (?) with the red war club. Their souls shall never be knocked about. Cause it to be so. There on high their souls shall be going about. Let them shield themselves with the white war whoop. Instantly (grant that) they shall never become blue. Yû!”
The prayer is one of imprecation. The enemy is sent to the black land, in the underworld (also the West), where fog and the black war club dispose of him. The second paragraph pertains to the blessing of the soldiers, so they are clothed in red. White is apparently here as a mistake. The men are to be facing the water when this is done, bathe, and then chew a charmed root and spit the juice on them. In the Catholic prayer, the men should face east, be blessed with holy water, and receive Holy Eucharist (if possible). If not, some blessed bread.
“Hayĭ! Yû! Listen! O God, may Thou liftest up for us the red war club. Let the enemies of the Lord be without motion, and let those who seek our harm be brought down to the netherworld, where the black war clubs never sleep. There under the earth, where the black war clubs do move about like ball sticks in the game, there shall all those who do evil go down, never to reappear. Amen. Those who seek our lives shall never lift up the war club. Amen. There under the earth the black war club and the black fog do come together as one for their covering. May the black fog never be lifted from them who hate Thee, O God, but let Thy mercy abound to all men. Amen.
“Ever living God, instantly grant that the souls of Thy faithful be moving about in the seventh heaven. May their souls never break in two. Amen. Quickly, Almighty Father, deign to move their souls on high with Thee, where they shall go about in peace. Thy faithful ones have shielded themselves with the red war club of God, red with the blood of His Anointed. May their souls never be disturbed. Amen. By Thy grace, there on high their souls shall go about. Let them shield themselves with the red war whoop and the cry of Gideon. May they never become blue. Yû! Through Christ our Lord. Amen.”
Young Indians pray, fast, and keep vigil upon entering manhood to obtain a vision of the “medicine” to guide and protect them for the rest of their life. It is clear that Christians may (and really must) do this very thing as well.
Final Note: The Cherokee insistence on four and seven is really important and prophetic. Christians should respect four—the four cardinal directions—as signifying all creation and spirit, but then add three more repetitions to invoke the Holy Trinity which coincidentally/providentially creates the sacred Cherokee number of seven.